Reviews from Subscribers
What’s this about?
The Path Before Us is an eclectic newsletter helps readers reason more clearly about practical, moral and political questions. I want to help readers discern the shape faithfulness should take within our own lives and the world around us.
One issue will include a close reading of Scripture, another will examine a passage of literature, some issues will give advice about specific occasions, and occasionally I’ll just pass along the best articles and quotes I’ve seen from around the web.
But my aim will always be to help you train your ‘powers of discernment’ through ‘constant practice’ so that you can better ‘distinguish good from evil’ in this world (Hebrews 5:14).
What do I get, and how much?
Members will receive 2-3 emails per week. If you want to sign up without becoming a member, you will still receive emails roughly once a month.
I know that not everyone has the resources to contribute financially, while other readers might have ample resources. As a matter of justice, I want to make membership accessible to anyone who wants to read it, even those who cannot or will not support it financially.
- Gandalf-level Membership: $3/month (click here, then fill in the form at the bottom)
- Strider-level membership: $2/month (click here, then fill in the form)
- Samwise-level membership: $1/month (click here, then fill in the form)
- Frodo-level membership: Totally free (click here, then fill in the form)*
*Note that because of limitations to the platform, the Frodo-level membership still requires a credit card. If you’d rather not put those details in and still want a membership, please email me at theologicamoralis@gmail.com.
If you do become a member, please consider telling a friend or two about it. Newsletters are more fun when read with others!
Thank you.
This has been a fun experiment, one which I have benefited from immensely.
I hope you will join the growing community of readers. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at theologicamoralis@gmail.com.
Thanks for your consideration.