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Should yoga be banned from public schools as a religious activity?

Three views on a possible church-state stretch.

Five fundamental questions conservative evangelicals must address

Conservative evangelicals have not yet grappled with the fundamental questions that determine the plausibility of our witness.

The ordinary is not comfortable: Richard Stearns’ “radical” misreading

Ordinary moments intersect with eternity, where the meaning of our lives hangs. Focusing on the mundane isn’t a call to comfort: it’s a terrifying call to remember the judgment which we stand beneath.

The vocation of writing when words are cheap

The value of sentences as a raw material has dropped. How should those who love words respond?

Sex and sacrifice: On the structure of autoeroticism

Sacrifice and self-giving for another’s good go together, even in sexual desire.

Blue like orthodoxy: when Donald Miller met G.K. Chesterton

Chesterton is magical because he kept his sense of humor while using it at the expense of his intellectual foes, and in the defense of dogmas.

How Dallas Willard changed American Christianity

“Jesus offers Himself as God’s doorway into the life that is truly life. Confidence in Him leads us today, as in other times, to become apprentices to eternal living.” —The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard

Think like progressives: marriage and the pro-life movement

The demographic case for the future of marriage looks bleak. Conservatives will need to think more like progressives.

Here come the radicals!

David Platt, Francis Chan, Shane Claiborne, and now Kyle Idleman are dominating the Christian best-seller lists by attacking our comfortable Christianity. But is ‘radical faith’ enough?

Marijuana, coffee, and our medicated age

The moral nature of any artificial stimulation or technological intervention into the body’s processes depends upon our understanding of the human body’s nature and purpose, and its meaning within creation.

Martin Luther on the passions of evangelical politics

Luther’s account of the passions in his political theology provides helpful guidance for evangelicals.

What is marriage?

The argument is probably the most sophisticated natural law defense of marriage to date. Yet while rigorously argued, the book doesn’t require technical philosophical ability to be understood and appreciated.

Intellectual empathy and overcoming disagreement

One way to cultivate such common ground in our own local communities is through what some of called “intellectual empathy,” or the decision to enter into a person’s way of the seeing the world and look along with them.

The election disaster? Social conservatives and hope

We as Christians are called to a politics of hope, and that must frame our public discourse.

Controversy and interpretation: A review of *biblical womanhood*

Rachel Held Evans’ book on biblical womanhood was entertaining, but ultimately dissatisfying.

Can there be an evangelical political theology?

The church’s life together is the soil from which political theology springs.

Our delightfully strange world

On a first read, though, Orthodoxy almost appears not to be a book at all, but rather a long string of glittery sentences, each threatening to undo our reading by drawing us into the world anew.

Can corporations be Christian?

Corporate policy, personal beliefs and the rapidly disappearing line between them.